Sandy: The Climate Links Storified

This is the hor­ror film the world has begun to look like, the one that many in devel­op­ing coun­tries have already been expe­ri­enc­ing for years, the one which we will all face more fre­quent­ly in future. New York City has been over­pow­ered. Winds that rip cranes from sky­scrap­ers and record-break­ing waves that surge over every defense. Emp­ty sub­ways and train sta­tions. Shelves picked clean in hard­ware stores and super­mar­kets. Uncer­tain­ty and fear. 

The US is under attack. Cli­mate change has gone prac­ti­cal­ly unmen­tioned this elec­tion sea­son, despite grow­ing alarm among sci­en­tists, the Pentagon’s clas­si­fi­ca­tion of it as a threat to nation­al secu­ri­ty, and record-break­ing droughts and Arc­tic ice melt. So Moth­er Nature has cleared her throat, and decid­ed to raise the issue her­self.

This is the hor­ror film the world has begun to look like — one in which fake pho­tos FROM hor­ror films are indis­tin­guish­able from the real thing. One that many in devel­op­ing coun­tries have already been expe­ri­enc­ing for years. One which we will all face more fre­quent­ly in future. New York City has been over­pow­ered, the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty brought to her knees. Winds that rip cranes from sky­scrap­ers and record-break­ing waves that surge over every defense and flood the sub­ways, close the bridges and tun­nels, impris­on fam­i­lies in their own homes. Shelves picked clean in hard­ware stores and super­mar­kets. Uncer­tain­ty and fear. 

We have some­one to thank for this: the fos­sil fuel indus­try. The politi­cians who have ignored their respon­si­bil­i­ties as lead­ers to respond to a threat to the entire plan­et in favor of pan­der­ing to short term inter­ests and lin­ing elec­tion cof­fers with oil mon­ey.

Here’s a stori­fied col­lec­tion to say thank you to every­one who is speak­ing up about WHY this storm should make us all wake up and hit the big red ACTION but­ton. We can start by stop­ping the oil com­pa­nies from invad­ing the Arc­tic.

Sandy, Stori­fied:

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