South by So Far

It tru­ly is the place where the future gets mar­ket­ed to death before it’s invent­ed. Mid­point mini-take-aways: wear­able devices WAY beyond google glass are com­ing soon and present a huge and excit­ing user inter­face design chal­lenge: and a social inte­gra­tion chal­lenge. I love BUMP’s new abil­i­ty to bump a pho­to or video to your Mac by tap­ping the space­bar with your cell phone. Grumpy Cat rules. And I’ve learned tons about African mobile devices, Digifre­nia and Present shock, tips and tricks for hack­ing inter­nal non-prof­it cul­ture to cre­ate a more social-media friend­ly ecosys­tem, Trig­ger-ties as a viral engi­neer­ing prin­ci­ple, and stuff in the Shut­tle busses, lunch tables, and cof­fee breaks about UFO & con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry, Wal-Mart’s social media strat­e­gy, NASA’s space camp, how to build a Lego Tardis, the his­to­ry of Wired’s inter­nal split over blind opti­mism and “The Long Boom,” how Sier­ra Club is struc­tured, the art of mak­ing a smokey mar­tini, and a Tex­as tra­di­tion called “Chick­en Shit Bin­go.” Who knew?

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