Dang. I’ve used up the morning blog time I have (between 6–6:30- when I rise to 7:50 when I need to get my son Packed off to school) posting over at WorldChanging.
I’ll cross post what I said over there in response to an open question about what NGOs are doing worthy work on Climate change.
(Chevy Apprentice still going strong — see the links in the comments to my previous post for some cool stuff!)
OK, full disclosure: I work for Greenpeace International in Amsterdam. But even if I didn’t, I’d put them up there in the ranks of the worthy.
For starters, they were talking about this issue in the late 80s with a “Fossil Fuel Free Future” that was ahead of its time. They did some important work internationally putting the issue out there. In the intervening they:
Created a pressure campaign that got Coke, McDonalds and Unilever to switch their refrigeration methods away from CFCs:
Partnered with industry to create “Greenfreeze” CFC-free refrigeration:
Lobbyed the World Business Council into a pro-Kyoto position against the will of the US members:
Greenpeace may not be the new cool in environmental advocacy (I note they don’t even get a link in the sidebar here at WorldChanging), but in a world in which the nuclear industry’s advertising budget alone is (way) bigger than their annual budget, they’re still boxing above their weight.
Personally, I’d split my donations between Greenpeace (think global) and smaller local groups doing the nuts and bolts work to ensure renewables are on a level playing field with big oil, that consumers get incentives to buy green, and that your own power isn’t coming from nuclear or coal.
Here endeth the sermon. 😉
I saw your chevy ad. Nightline is looking for people to interview. email me and ill give you the contact info. email me sooon!
Regarding impressive Greenpeace victories, I just saw your news release from April 3 regarding Gortons and whaling! This is great news, because it’s obviously a step in the right direction:
All that pressure and hard work paid off, which is inspiring when it comes to pressuring them to stop the “scientific” whaling.
btw, I (heart) the html tags.