Tire tracks all over Chevy

= Martha and Doon in MY idea of a sports util­i­ty vehi­cle­Woo hoo… the Chevy Appren­tice anti-ad cam­paign cross­es over into “the news.” Here’s an arti­cle from CNET. Calls to Chevy for com­ment were not returned. I bet.

At the moment there’s prob­a­bly a real con­flict going on over there of the “there’s no such thing as bad pub­lic­i­ty” kind — do you keep run­ning this com­pe­ti­tion when it’s get­ting used to tar­nish your well-fund­ed brand, or do you fig­ure the more the mer­ri­er and all that “Tahoe Tahoe Tahoe” mantra going out on the ether will make con­sumers for­get they have any envi­ron­men­tal ethics when it comes time to plunk down the ready for the ride?

The Detroit Free Press, in a piece about the ad cam­paign before it was launched:

Because the aver­sion to adver­tis­ing seems to be grow­ing, con­sumer engage­ment is a key way adver­tis­ers are try­ing to get peo­ple to inter­act with their brands. From spon­sor­ing major sport­ing events to air­ing ads ordi­nary peo­ple cre­ate, com­pa­nies are find­ing ways to make the their pitch­es less like ads and more enter­tain­ing.”

But seri­ous­ly, is let­ting even a hard-core Tahoe fan stitch togeth­er an ad from a pre-assem­bled set of puff pieces going to be any fun unless you’re spoof­ing it? I am *defin­i­tiely* not the tar­get audi­ence here given my pri­ma­ry means of trans­porta­tion is my bike and my bad-ass, two-kids and gro­ceries truck­in’ “bak fiets,” but I just can’t imag­ine any­one of sound mind get­ting a kick out of con­sid­er­ing with a straight face where to stick the pro­mo about how the seats fold back.

Then again, I haven’t lived in the Unit­ed States for a long, long time. And you know how the­se things are, you miss out on a few brain­wash ses­sions, you cut a cou­ple imag­i­na­tion labotomies, and before you know it, you just can’t keep up.

(By the way, the sam­ple ad they post at CNET is pret­ty good, but I see bet­ter below!)

In oth­er SUV news — who says slap­ping a stick­er on an SUV isn’t an effec­tive form of action????

THANDIE New­ton, the British star of the Hol­ly­wood hit film Crash, has become a cru­sader again­st gas-guz­zling cars after a Green­peace activist slapped stick­ers on her vehi­cle accus­ing her of adding to glob­al warm­ing.”


7 thoughts on “Tire tracks all over Chevy”

  1. We’re going to see mil­lions of West­ern­ers mak­ing the con­ver­sion to bicy­cling in the next 10–20 years. But it may be too late.

    Here’s my lat­est Tahoe spoof for your enjoy­ment: Over­draft

    There’s a humor­ous one cir­cu­lat­ing whose premise is that the SUV is a great pimp-mobile. The punch line: “There’s no hoe like a Tahoe!”

  2. Hi Bri­an, what a nice suprise to find your blog. Great pic…brings back loads of mem­o­ries. Wish we could drop our son off at chid­care like that. Unfor­tu­nate­ly too many hills in Syd­ney (mtns com­pared with those in the Nether­lands;), pock­ets of bush­land and bloody agro dri­vers on the road — par­tic­u­lar­ly since every third car is an SUV. Wish GPAP wld run an anti SUV cam­paign dow­nun­der 😉
    Like your blog, keep post­ing

  3. Damn Lisa, you are a one-wom­an Green­peace jug­ger­naut!

    But the great thing about the stick­er sto­ry is that there are HUNDREDS, may­be THOUSANDS of peo­ple in Lon­don telling peo­ple in pubs that “it might have been me” as well it might, and rein­forc­ing the pow­er of such tiny acts. 

    Tiny acts of resis­tance that do the but­ter­fly-beats-its-wings-in-chi­na thing.

    Way cool. And Page, may­be we ought to get some stick­ers made up for the Bak Fiet­sen of Ams­ter­dam: “This is my SUV. It runs on food.” Of course, it does pro­duce car­bon diox­ide… 😉


  4. If she had a Range Rover parked in Isling­ton last sum­mer — could have been me who put the fly­er on her SUV. :-))

  5. CUTE pho­to!!! I love that!

    I call those “Dutch SUVs”.

    Have you noticed that there are more and more SUVs in Ams­ter­dam? May­be it’s just in the cen­ter (where I live).

    Any­way, it’s real­ly irri­tat­ing; my hus­band and I rou­tine­ly shout “YOU MUST LOVE EXXON!” at the dri­vers, both in Dutch and in Eng­lish.

    Think I’ll write a let­ter to the edi­tor of de Volk­skrant about the SUV inva­sion.

    It isn’t good.

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