Here’s mine, where’s yours?

tahoe.gifAhh­h­hh. Every now and then you just have to take a moment and give thanks for the stu­pid­i­ty of your adver­sary.

Chevro­let is intro­duc­ing a brand new, gas-guz­zling Tahoe SUV which gets “an amaz­ing 20 mpg.” Yep, in an era in which oth­er cars are mak­ing more than twice that fig­ure, Antarc­ti­ca is melt­ing and the Green­land Ice Sheet is about to fall into the sea, that’s amaz­ing alright. What’s MORE amaz­ing is they’ve cre­at­ed an adver­tis­ing con­test in which any­one can make your own tv ad. What? They just nev­er con­sid­ered that they’d be set upon by a howl­ing pack of out­raged eco-hack­tivists bent on cul­ture jam­ming their lit­tle pow­er-truck love­fest? Gol­ly! That wasn’t very smart! Let’s all tod­dle over to Chevy’s House and put some tire­tracks in their fun. We’re call­ing it the cam­paign.

(Thanks, Gillo!)

Eco-Geek’s Tahoe Ad

Total Tac­tics:


Net­work Cen­tric Advo­ca­cy:

Richard Han­son

Live Jour­nal

UPDATE, April 23:

Here’s the email we all just got from Chevy, ask­ing us to join them in the Board­room. Ha ha. Wouldn’t we have a thing or two to say THERE? (hav­ing made the most “refined” ad we could.…excuse me, must go puke now…)

Add to your address book to
make sure you con­tin­ue to receive Chevy email.

Come To The Board­room.

You put in the effort. You made the most capa­ble, most
respon­si­ble, and most refined com­mer­cial you could for the
2007 Tahoe.®

Dur­ing the course of your cre­ativ­i­ty, we hope you learned a few
things about this all new SUV from Chevro­let.®

- The Vortec 5300 V8 engine with Active Fuel Man­age­ment™
tech­nol­o­gy helps Tahoe deliv­er best-in-class fuel econ­o­my.*
— 2007 Tahoe has earned the high­est pos­si­ble rat­ing for frontal
impact crash tests — five stars.**
— The Vortec™ 5300 V8 engine fea­tures Active Fuel
Man­age­ment™ tech­nol­o­gy that allows it to shift seam­less­ly
between eight cylin­ders and four, then back again.

Now it’s time to see how your work stacks up.

Join us online in the Chevy Board­room on April 27 at 8:00 p.m.,
EST, as the judges dis­cuss the entries, reveal the top five
com­mer­cials, and announce the win­ner.

In the mean­time, learn more about the all new 2007 Tahoe at

You can also request a quote from your local Chevy deal­er or at

Or sign up to receive email updates on great offers and
pro­mo­tions from Chevro­let at

Thanks for par­tic­i­pat­ing and good luck.

Ed Peper
Chevro­let Gen­er­al Man­ager

*Based on 2006 GM Large Util­i­ty seg­ment and lat­est avail­able
com­pet­i­tive infor­ma­tion. 2WD with 5300 V8 engine EPA est. MPG 16
city, 22 high­way on gaso­line. EPA est. MPG 12 city, 16 high­way on
avail­able E85. Excludes oth­er GM vehi­cles.
**Five-star rat­ing is for both the dri­ver and front pas­sen­ger in
the frontal crash test. Gov­ern­ment star rat­ings are part of the
Nation­al High­way Traf­fic Safe­ty Administration’s (NHTSA’s) New
Car Assess­ment Pro­gram (





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email. You asked to receive email from Chevy, but if you no
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You may also unsub­scribe to email regard­ing oth­er GM vehi­cles:

©2006 GM Corp. Gen­er­al Motors Cor­po­ra­tion, 100 GM Renais­sance
Cen­ter, 482-A00-MAR, Detroit, MI 48265
View the GM Pri­va­cy State­ment:

34 thoughts on “Here’s mine, where’s yours?”


    Check out the com­mer­cial ter­re cre­at­ed for the all-new 2007 Chevy Tahoe. 

    Think you could do bet­ter? Think you’re up to the task? Then take a shot at the Chevy Appren­tice Chal­lenge and cre­ate your own com­mer­cial…

  2. Hey guys, I start­ed a site where we can rank all of the com­mer­cials cour­tesy of Chevy!

    any­one can sub­mit, and vote, but I can’t get all the arti­cles myself (too many) Nor can I get the word out myself. 

    Please let every­one know. I think it’ll be great to have a ranked list where every­one votes on the best.

  3. here’s mine … click on name.

    Note they are now being reviewed but you have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to email to a friend before you sub­mit. That gives you the URL.

  4. Whoops, sor­ry I had HTML turned off. Switched it on and fixed all the­se out­stand­ing links!!!

    I’ll nev­er be able to look at a Tahoe again with­out laugh­ing!!!

  5. Haha, i was going to try and make a seri­ous ad, fig­ur­ing that every­one else would do eco-ads so i could win the prize. Turns out the price is a trip the coun­try music awards, a base­ball game, or Jackson’s hole (wyoming?). Way to be Chevy. Keep the ads com­ing, they’re ter­ri­ble… ter­ri­bly fun­ny 🙂

  6. Here’s anoth­er three, one envi­ron­men­tal, the oth­ers just plain sil­ly!


    #2 (Along the same lines as Richard Hanson’s extreme­ly fun­ny one!)


  7. So the equa­tion is:

    Bri­an — caf­feine = blog nerd dis­as­ter?


    Hope things are going bet­ter.

    And Lisa, your ad is hilar­i­ous. If Cheney can say it, so can we, right? lol!

  8. Woo Hoo!!! Rock­in ads, kids!

    Me, I was just remind­ed of that age old bit of wis­dom: nev­er, ever, EVER, edit your Mov­able Type CSS before your cof­fee has ful­ly kicked in. I just killed my main tem­plate and had to piece it togeth­er from bits of back­up scat­tered hith­er and yon.


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