If you love a good rant (and who doesn’t love a good rant?) check out the podcasts from Max and Stacy of Karmabanque. I wrote a profile on this “Bonny and Clyde” of Karmabanque some time ago, and in the interim they’ve launched an outrageous set of audio spews which take a kilo of economic smarts (Max is ex-Wall Street) adds a truckload of activist attitude, a traincar of colorful language and mixes it into an exploding cake of fast-paced screed and invictive against the “Stupidocracy” of the western governments and their corporate sock-puppeteers. No holds barred, in your face, get-out-in-the-streets stuff. They have swum with the piranhas. They know how they work.
Thanks, Page! And yep, that font size needs to increase and these colors need to go — I took a sage piece of advice from a wise friend who said “Design comes second — get some text out the door” and basically stole this template from another blog.
Ohh, spiffy blog, Brian! I like it, a lot! My only problem is that it’s hard to see what I’m typing; for some reason, the font is reallly small. And my eyesight isn’t so great, but that’s another story, heh.
Thanks for the link to Karmabanque’s podcasts. I’m listening to “Sunday Roast with the Monarchs of Monetarism” right now, and it’s GREAT. “The corporate occupiers” as an analogy to the monarchies of the past is perfect.
I should recommend this to a French financial dude who’s a blogger friend of mine. He’ll appreciate Max and Stacy’s sentiments.
Believe it or not, even though I am a hardcore internet nerd, this is the first time I’ve listened to a podcast. It’s a great way to start!