“Somebody ought to build an application that lets people visualize precisely what a 2 meter sea level rise might mean” we said a few years ago around the Organic Water Cooler at Greenpeace International in Amsterdam as the latest predictions on Global Warming impacts came out.
“Somebody ought to build an application that lets people visualize precisely what a 7 meter sea level rise might mean” we said last year when the news of the potential Greenland Ice sheet melt came out.
And now, given the new data on Antarctica, I expect we would have been saying “Somebody ought to build an application that lets people visualize precisely what a 12 meter sea level rise might mean”…
If somebody hadn’t already done it.
From one meter all the way up to 14 — a Google Map that uses NASA elevation data to show precisley what the latest sea-level rise predictions might mean for your favorite beach location/mangrove full of endangered species/sub-sea-level neighborhood in Amsterdam/island nation/teeming millions of lowland dwellers.
Thanks to WorldChanging for spotting this one.
So — are you making plans for hitting high country? Or have you one of those houses that can slide up and down on piles?
Hi Brian,
Good blog, interesting links.
I particularly like this one for sea level rises, it should be easily findable from the Greenpeace International site. Stuff like this, is what creates the lets do something concrete to improve the situation NOW! effect in global opinion; just like those photos of the hole in the ozone layer did about CFCs.