Lord, Here Comes the Flood…

underwater.gif “Some­body ought to build an appli­ca­tion that lets peo­ple visu­al­ize pre­cise­ly what a 2 meter sea lev­el rise might mean” we said a few years ago around the Organ­ic Water Cool­er at Green­peace Inter­na­tion­al in Ams­ter­dam as the lat­est pre­dic­tions on Glob­al Warm­ing impacts came out.

Some­body ought to build an appli­ca­tion that lets peo­ple visu­al­ize pre­cise­ly what a 7 meter sea lev­el rise might mean” we said last year when the news of the poten­tial Green­land Ice sheet melt came out.

And now, given the new data on Antarc­ti­ca, I expect we would have been say­ing “Some­body ought to build an appli­ca­tion that lets peo­ple visu­al­ize pre­cise­ly what a 12 meter sea lev­el rise might mean”…

If some­body hadn’t already done it.

From one meter all the way up to 14 — a Google Map that uses NASA ele­va­tion data to show pre­cis­ley what the lat­est sea-lev­el rise pre­dic­tions might mean for your favorite beach location/mangrove full of endan­gered species/sub-sea-level neigh­bor­hood in Amsterdam/island nation/teeming mil­lions of low­land dwellers.

Thanks to World­Chang­ing for spot­ting this one.

3 thoughts on “Lord, Here Comes the Flood…”

  1. Hi Bri­an,

    Good blog, inter­est­ing links.
    I par­tic­u­lar­ly like this one for sea lev­el ris­es, it should be eas­i­ly find­able from the Green­peace Inter­na­tion­al site. Stuff like this, is what cre­ates the lets do some­thing con­crete to improve the sit­u­a­tion NOW! effect in glob­al opin­ion; just like those pho­tos of the hole in the ozone lay­er did about CFCs.

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