Remembering Three years ago

It was three years ago on Feb­ru­ary 15th that 30 mil­lion peo­ple took to the streets to say that a pre-emp­tive inva­sion of an aggres­sor sus­pect­ed of hav­ing weapons of mass destruc­tion was a real­ly bad idea. And it was three years ago today that the pow­ers that be thumbed their noses at world opin­ion, and invad­ed Iraq.

I remem­ber think­ing what a great leap for­ward that ral­ly felt like — I remem­ber the incred­i­ble out­pour­ing of webac­tivism, of peo­ple unit­ed by a sin­gle pas­sion­ate­ly felt objec­tive.

Well, we may need all that ener­gy again if things con­tin­ue the way they are going in Iran. The “We told you so” T-shirts we’re wear­ing today just might might serve sec­ond-hand if we don’t head this one off at the pass. Because Rum­my and Bush and the Cheney Boys all appeared to have learned a lesson about protest avoid­ance from the last round. They’re not going this one alone — they’re work­ing to build a UN man­date to go after Iran, and instead of bas­ing it on the principel that The US knows whats good for the world, it’ll be The US knows whats good for the world dis­guised as the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil knows whats good for the world. I.e. The guys with the grip on the nuclear weapons that ain’t about to let go.

The mil­i­tary machine has been once-burned. And while it may only have been a tiny scorch, the fact is they have to reck­on with the sec­ond super­pow­er of pub­lic opin­ion.

The pic­ture at left is my son Doon out show­ing the flag three years ago. Last night as I put my 18 mon­th old son, Dylan, to bed, my good­night wish to him was that he’d live in a wis­er world.

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