SXSW: Emerging Technology and Social Trends

Here’s just a few of the wis­dom snags and snick­er cap­tures from the SXSW. WONK WARNING: the­se are raw unprocessed notes of a high­ly selec­tive and some­times unat­trib­ut­ed nature. Just stuff that got past my crap fil­ter.

2007-03-10 Sat­ur­day 10:00 am Conferenceer link Emerg­ing Social and Tech­nol­o­gy Trends

Here’s just a few of the wis­dom snags and snick­er cap­tures from the first SXSW pan­el of the day. WONK WARNING: the­se are raw unprocessed notes of a high­ly selec­tive and unat­trib­ut­ed nature. Just stuff that got past my crap fil­ter.

Inter­net as ecosys­tem: increased diver­si­ty as users add flavours that site devel­op­ers or mes­sage own­ers would not have added.

Wid­gets run­ning around the inter­net chang­ing things the way the inter­net itself changed things: Hookah which brings users togeth­er who can lis­tend to same music and chat regard­less of inter­net loca­tion in same way inter­net made phys­i­cal loca­tion irrel­e­vant.

<a xhref=“” mce_href=“” target=“_blank”>Plazes:</a> recon­nects your online iden­ti­ty to wear you are reg­is­ter your mac address and you show up in phys­i­cal space rel­a­tive to oth­er users.

Gen­er­a­tional gap: I feel old when I don´t blog about every­thing in my life or put every pho­to I take on Flickr and don´t update per­son­al infor­ma­tion on MySpace. Tech­nol­o­gy has dri­ven a change in the way we think about our­selves and dri­ven the expo­sure of a tremen­dous amount of pri­vate infor­ma­tion in a pub­lic per­sona. The sense of what should or can be pub­lic is dif­fer­ent for youth than the old­er online gen­er­a­tion.

At the same time that we are get­ting a wider infor­ma­tion stream from cor­po­rate sources, so too are we giv­ing up more of our per­son­al data to them.

David (Yahoo Pipes Devel­op­er)

Akai MPC: Buy a low­er end MPC run the soft­ware gives you all the fea­tures of the high-end machine. Akai has respond­ed not by suing him but by let­ting it go and sim­ply mon­e­tiz­ing the hard­ware sales rather than Soft­ware.

By allow­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tion, you cre­ate loy­al­ty among con­sumers who may nev­er hack or upgrade their hard­ware at all, but the fact that you allow it makes you a “good” com­pa­ny they can align with.

iPhone is a mis­take: it´s a closed plat­form, resis­tant to mod­i­fi­ca­tion, not a plat­form that peo­ple can inno­vate on. Cre­at­ing a plat­form peo­ple can inno­vate on poten­tial­ly adds val­ue you nev­er imag­ined. “The Tom Sawyer effect” — hey kids, it´s fun to paint this fence. ´m going to stand here and eat an apple while you have all the fun.

Futur­ism and envi­ron­men­tal­ism con­verg­ing on the issue of con­se­quences: dif­fer­ent from escap­ing to nature, both are now focussing on cat­a­stro­phe sce­nar­ios.

Expe­ri­ence of peo­ple in the glob­al South is not going to be via a high-end com­put­er. It´s going to be on a low end, under­pow­ered mobile device.

There´s a ser­vice in india to trans­late email to snail mail and vice ver­sa

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