Here’s just a few of the wisdom snags and snicker captures from the SXSW. WONK WARNING: these are raw unprocessed notes of a highly selective and sometimes unattributed nature. Just stuff that got past my crap filter.
2007-03-10 | Saturday | 10:00 am | Emerging Social and Technology Trends |
Here’s just a few of the wisdom snags and snicker captures from the first SXSW panel of the day. WONK WARNING: these are raw unprocessed notes of a highly selective and unattributed nature. Just stuff that got past my crap filter.
Internet as ecosystem: increased diversity as users add flavours that site developers or message owners would not have added.
Widgets running around the internet changing things the way the internet itself changed things: Hookah which brings users together who can listend to same music and chat regardless of internet location in same way internet made physical location irrelevant.
<a xhref=“” mce_href=“” target=“_blank”>Plazes:</a> reconnects your online identity to wear you are register your mac address and you show up in physical space relative to other users.
Generational gap: I feel old when I don´t blog about everything in my life or put every photo I take on Flickr and don´t update personal information on MySpace. Technology has driven a change in the way we think about ourselves and driven the exposure of a tremendous amount of private information in a public persona. The sense of what should or can be public is different for youth than the older online generation.
At the same time that we are getting a wider information stream from corporate sources, so too are we giving up more of our personal data to them.
David (Yahoo Pipes Developer)
Akai MPC: Buy a lower end MPC run the software gives you all the features of the high-end machine. Akai has responded not by suing him but by letting it go and simply monetizing the hardware sales rather than Software.
By allowing modification, you create loyalty among consumers who may never hack or upgrade their hardware at all, but the fact that you allow it makes you a “good” company they can align with.
iPhone is a mistake: it´s a closed platform, resistant to modification, not a platform that people can innovate on. Creating a platform people can innovate on potentially adds value you never imagined. “The Tom Sawyer effect” — hey kids, it´s fun to paint this fence. I´m going to stand here and eat an apple while you have all the fun.
Futurism and environmentalism converging on the issue of consequences: different from escaping to nature, both are now focussing on catastrophe scenarios.
Experience of people in the global South is not going to be via a high-end computer. It´s going to be on a low end, underpowered mobile device.
There´s a service in india to translate email to snail mail and vice versa
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